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Eng Audiovisual BPT1-2.1-4白话FF 1-2 第1至4段 [Official Transcript]后附笔记美图

发表于 2021-9-22 14:09:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

 Words of wisdom in English  

video of Words of Wisdom in English

Eng Audiovisual Book [Journey to Heaven & Hell]

单词汇总 Glossary

想通 to understand

因果 the law of cause and effect

轮回 cyclical rebirths

缘分 karmic conditions

心境 the level of our spirituality

法门的殊胜之处 the unique excellence of this Buddhist practice

还债 repay one‘s karmic debts

法即人生 the Buddha-dharma is closely intertwined with our daily lives

学佛先学做人 learning about Buddhism begins with learning about the basic principles of being a moral person

反省自心 self-reflection

改正品行 correct one’s shortcomings

戒定慧 Morality (Precepts), Concentration and Wisdom

无我 non-self

buddhism in plain terms

Once we have set an objective for cultivating the mind, we must ask ourselves: “How do we cultivate our minds? How do we purify it?” The answer depends on your mind’s ability to comprehend – that is called “enlightenment”. To get enlightened is to understand.

We always talk about the desire to become enlightened. However, with the principles already laid out clearly – the law of cause and effect, cyclical rebirths, karmic conditions and destiny –what else are we meant to awaken to? In reality, everything we encounter in our daily lives –such as the moon, a flower, the grass or a tree – provides us with opportunities to become enlightened and deepen our understanding of life. Enlightenment is a cyclical process in which we practise the teachings of the Buddha-dharma and apply it to our everyday lives. And from the experiences of doing so, we gain a deeper understanding of the Buddha-dharma. Then, we reapply what we have learned back into our everyday lives – and the process repeats itself. This is similar to preparing for a test, where, in doing our exercises, we constantly and repetitively apply the guiding principles. From these exercises, we keep learning to master the basic concepts until we reach a level of proficiency such that we are freely able to put the theory into practice. In the process of cultivation, each time we apply the Buddha-dharma correctly, the level of our spirituality will be elevated accordingly. Nevertheless, even if we did well on nine consecutive attempts but erred on the tenth, all previous efforts will have come to naught. That’s why cultivation of the mind is like treading on thin ice.



Many fellow practitioners have very thoroughly studied the Buddhist teachings expounded by the Master, gaining an in-depth grasp of his teachings and cultivating diligently. This is an encouraging sign, indicating that practitioners fully appreciate the unique excellence of this Buddhist practice. However, in light of the many questions posted online and considering how practitioners handle interpersonal relationships, it is evident that many are still at the stage of struggling to repay their karmic debts. These practitioners are yet to grasp that the Buddha-dharma is closely intertwined with our daily lives, and that learning about Buddhism begins with learning about the basic principles of being a moral person. Although some may seem to have tamed their temper through their efforts in reciting Buddhist scriptures, they have done no self-reflection or even tried proactively to identify and correct their shortcomings. In other words, they have yet to take the initiative to apply Buddhist teachings in their daily lives, and to practise what they have learned personally. For example, when it comes to cultivating the Buddhist teachings of “Morality (Precepts), Concentration and Wisdom”, many people still do not understand what precepts are to be observed, or even why it is necessary to observe the precepts in the first place. Why it is that observing the precepts will give rise to concentration? What does concentration mean? These are questions we must get to the bottom of. Similarly, we need to fully comprehend the many conclusions derived from our predecessors’ past experiences, and identify the basic principles behind these conclusions. Only then will we be able to understand why our predecessors reached these conclusions. For example, why is it that we are able to practise “diligent cultivation” when we practise “forbearance in the face of humiliation”? On which theory is that based? Why is the concept of “non-self” given so much emphasis, and what is its purpose? Not only should you gain an understanding of the theories, you also need to put them into practice. You cannot just apply the theories mechanically – you need to fully understand them so that you can draw inferences from other cases. This is similar to our study of mathematics, and the application of those mathematical theorems.    


Therefore, enlightenment is not something distant nor abstract. In fact, in our daily practice of Buddhism, we are gradually being awakened without even knowing it – we get to learn how to perform recitations of Buddhist scriptures, and understand how performing recitations can change our lives for the better. The next step for a Buddhist practitioner is to systematically and consciously practise Buddhism in order to attain enlightenment. One should be more inquisitive and ask more questions in order to understand more guiding principles. Buddhist practitioners have a good understanding of these guiding principles so that they do not dare to commit bad deeds – just like people who know the law do not dare to commit offences.







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