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Eng Audiovisual[天地游]v1.C2 My Visit to the Underworld: Soul- Weighing Scale观灵体称重仪

发表于 2020-12-25 12:25:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[Official Transcript] v1.C2: My Visit to the Underworld: Soul- Weighing Scale 游地府,观灵体称重仪 

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Glossary Study

阎王爷         the King of Hell

关平菩萨     Guan Ping Bodhisattva


the good will be rewarded, and the evil punished


All beings are equal before the law of karma.

充满黑气     be covered in a patch of dark energy

阿赖耶识     the Alaya consciousness

看图腾         performs Totem Reading

灵体实相     the facts about the spirit world

修道人         spiritual practitioner

在家居士      layperson

道行             level of cultivation

拥有大神通   possess great supranormal powers

拥有佛果       have attained Buddhahood


the matters of Heaven and the Underworld


with the grace and kindness of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas


I have never permitted any of you to criticise other religious practices

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Journey to Heaven & Hell




On 28 October 2018, an Underworld officer appeared in my dream, declaring that a high-ranking Underworld official (the King of Hell) had ordered me to go to him. He reminded me to bring my communication device. The device is the key to touring the Underworld, and it’s kept by Guan Ping Bodhisattva of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. He told me that I must have it whenever I journey to the Underworld, as the landscape is complex and navigation difficult.

Soon, I arrived at the King of Hell’s office in the Underworld. That day, there had been a major reshuffle of Underworld personnel. As Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is a newly established practice here, and because many things have to be dealt with as many people practise Guan Yin Citta in my country, multiple Underworld officials were transferred here to deal with the tasks associated with Guan Yin Citta. The King of Hell seated at the desk appeared even more solemn and stern than the one I saw last time.



The King of Hell beckoned me to sit, and said: “Today, the Underworld is very busy. For a few reasons, I’ve been transferred here from another court. From now on, I will be responsible for dealing with matters related to Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door in this country. Today, I have a few words that I wish you would share with the people of the human world.

“From ancient times to the present, it has been passed down that the good will be rewarded, and the evil punished. A person’s karma is created all by themselves. The same applies to all others, regardless of their religious practice or faith. All beings are equal before the law of karma. When people die and are escorted here, they have no idea how karma works because they don’t practise Buddhism, nor do they have any religious faith. They even try to argue with our Underworld officials using the ideas and principles of the Human Realm.


“Kid, now that you have this opportunity to visit the Underworld, I wish you would tell the followers of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door that as long as they practise it diligently, and behave according to your Master’s teachings, and refrain from committing unwholesome deeds, the Bodhisattvas of your religious practice (Guan Yin Bodhisattva) will take them to Buddha’s Pure Land when they pass away. If they are just average practitioners, and refrain from committing unwholesome deeds, they could be reborn into a very good family. But if they don’t perform any benevolent deeds, and continue instead to commit unwholesome deeds, let me tell you, kid - regardless of the religious practice they follow, or whichever faith they belong to, they will all be sent to Hell for punishment according to their offences.”


An enforcement officer, in police uniform, escorted a soul to the court.

The King of Hell ordered the officer to bring over an instrument that resembled a weighing scale. The soul was ordered to step on it, and a number appeared on the screen. The King of Hell glanced at it and declared: “He shall be reborn in the Human Realm.”

The soul was taken away.


The King told me: “This instrument is used to measure the weight of the soul. Naturally, those who commit unwholesome deeds will be covered in a patch of dark energy, while those who have done small acts of wholesome and unwholesome deeds will be covered in a light grey energy. Those who are very heavy in dark energy will be taken to the Hell Realm. If the scale shows they have exceeded 100% - the maximum - they will be taken to a series of different Hells to be punished. Once their sentence is complete, they will be thrown into the cauldron of boiling oil for their soul to be fried and scattered.


“Many a time, when those who have recently passed away realise that they will be sent to Hells or reborn as animals, they become recalcitrant. They continue to debate and argue with me at the court. We have a special mirror here. I ask them to stand in front of it and have their consciousness (the Alaya consciousness) checked. The mirror reflects all of the wholesome and unwholesome deeds they have done, and they are dumbstruck.


“There are other evil souls who continue to argue and bicker, believing they’re still in the Human Realm where they can act like a lord. When I encounter these people, I order the enforcement officers to beat them. Enforcement officers and the officers who escort the souls are different. The enforcement officers are much bigger and more intimidating, and the souls are normally beaten brutally and violently before being escorted to the Hell Realm. It’s miserable.


“When your Master performs Totem Reading and says he can see white or black energy, he is simply revealing the facts about the spirit world. How can that be described as nonsense? The Underworld is fair in its meting out of punishment. Do you people in the human world know how big the Underworld is? The complexity of the landscape is something unfathomable. Even if you’re a spiritual practitioner, including practitioners of all religious practices, monastic or layperson, your level of cultivation means you simply don’t know enough. The Underworld is already beyond your knowledge. Only those who possess great supranormal powers and have attained Buddhahood know about the matters of Heaven and the Underworld. Do you think all practitioners have attained Buddhahood? It is with the grace and kindness of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that they are able to practise Buddhism. In the language of the human world, those who are arrogant are destroying their future, and their cultivation will be in vain.



“Currently, we are arresting those who slander and defame the Right Dharma. For those who have benefitted from the Buddha’s grace and kindness and yet speak ill of Buddhism, they will undergo the consequences they deserve unless - when they are still alive - they sincerely reform and repent to the Buddhas, Guan Yin Citta’s great Dharma-protecting Bodhisattvas and Guan Yin Bodhisattva.”


Master Jun Hong Lu’s reply:

If you fail to heed my advice, it will be too late once you pass away. You must never commit unwholesome deeds, and you must take my advice and do not speak irresponsibly. I have never permitted any of you to criticise other religious practices, which is serious verbal misconduct - mind your own business.

-----来信疑惑(二百六十五) 2018-11-17

---Excerpt from Master Lu’s Q&A (265), 17 November 2018

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